Celebrate World Tofu Day


Did you know that Tofu has its own Holiday?

Hello tofu lovers, welcome to July’s blog! In this month’s blog we are going to explore the history and the motivation behind World Tofu Day, and why this holiday is also celebrated by the animal rights protection group.

The importance of World Tofu Day to us

Tofu has gained a lot of attention and popularity as more and more people gradually adapted to a plant-based diet. Not only does tofu contain comparable nutrition as meat does, like “complete” protein structures, but it also avoids the chance of consuming animals. World Tofu Day was created by the Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA) in 2014 and is celebrated on July 26th each year (National Today, n.d.). During that day, vegan and vegetarians utilize World Tofu Day to spread awareness of the benefits of converting to a plant-based diet, while animal right protesters use this day to strongly fight to stop cruelty and harm to animals. Celebrating World Tofu Day is important in promoting a plant-based diet as it is sustainable and healthy, thus, it’s a win-win and is celebrated by both groups.

History of Tofu

Research suggests that tofu was created by the Han Dynasty around 179 B.C. which made tofu become an affordable option for those who couldn’t afford meat in ancient times (National Today, n.d.).

After the creation of Tofu from the Han Dynasty, tofu was then introduced to Japan where it became popular and consumed more often (National Today, n.d.).

How to Observe National Tofu Day?

During the month of World Tofu Day, we would like to encourage you to cook with plant-based ingredients. We understand you might not know where to start but with simple ingredients, you can create a delicious plant-based meal.  Visit our Recipe Page on our website where you can find numerous recipes using Superior Natural products. We hope you can benefit from these recipes and look forward to cooking with new plant-based ingredients! When cooking, you can incorporate tofu into your dishes from desserts to a main course. For example, if you are vegan, you probably miss cheese, however Tofu is a great way to bring your favorite cheese back by using a silken tofu to make cheese alternatives. We talk about DIFFERENT WAYS TO INCORPORATE TOFU INTO MEALS in previous blog, please go check it out!

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National Today. (n.d.). World Tofu Day – July 26, 2022. Retrieved from National Today.com: https://nationaltoday.com/world-tofu-day/#:~:text=World%20Tofu%20Day%20is%20annually,to%20a%20plant%2Dbased%20diet.


Holly Turczany